Friday, 2 May 2014

A rather prolonged absence from blogland...

Well, I have finally made it back!! My last post was July 2013!! I don't know what happened really - I guess life took over for a while - first the school summer holidays (6 weeks with my 2 munchkins to entertain), then the back to school & seasonal adjustment and then this:

Yup! I'm preggers!! This was a selfie taken 2 weeks ago when I was 32 weeks pregnant. So now only 6 weeks (though probably nearer 8 if the first two are anything to go by!) to go!!

Took us a little by surprise, but a pleasant surprise as I have always wanted to have a third but we just hadn't got around to making THE decision to start trying again. Mother Nature made the decision for us.

So time has kind of slipped by in a whirl of midwife appointments and having work done on the house "before the baby comes", resulting in my blog falling by the wayside.

I can't promise I'll be any more frequent with my posts going forward, as the summer is likely to be pretty hectic & will no doubt pass me by in a haze of tiredness, breast feeding & nappy changing! But I can but hope that I manage to find a little time here and there.

I have recently learnt to crochet - something I have fancied mastering since first discovering Lucy at Attic24. I can report that I am totally hooked (get it??) so hope to share some of my makes with you. I have discovered some amazingly talented crafty ladies out there in blogland, who have really inspired me with my crochet and crafting, and renewed my interest in blogging.

Off to lie down & take the weight of this ginormous bump off for a little while...


  1. Wow! Congratulations!! You are such a dark horse, and that has got to be pretty much the best excuse for not blogging ever! I am in awe too that you have managed to pick up a new skill amid such major life stuff ...

    Hope to hear more from you soon, you won't be short on material! Three is fab, chaos but never a dull moment.
    Janie xx (mumbling wildly)

  2. Thanks Janie! Expect to be bored senseless with tales of baby poo & endless photos of the little darling! That's if I ever the time to blog again!!
