So it's almost the end of August and the end of the summer holidays. It has been a rather surreal summer for me due to the arrival of baby E in mid-June (she's now 10weeks old!), swiftly followed by Mr W breaking his wrist. That first few weeks were hard, but Mr W has basically had the whole summer off as sick leave, only returning to work this week!! Although he has been very limited in what he could do (he couldn't pick the baby up or change her nappy) and was in a lot of pain, it has been so much help having someone around to get the boys a drink, put a DVD on for them, kick a football around in the garden etc while I'm feeding the baby (which I have been spending a LOT of time doing!) We have also had lots of family days out as E is much more settled when we are out and about as she sleeps in the car or pram. We have realised we have some fantastic friends too, who have been dropping meals and cakes round for us!
2 months old already! |
And now suddenly summer feels like it has gone. Bank Holiday Monday was abysmal and we ended up turning the Aga on and lighting up the wood burner in the evening as the house felt so cold and damp. It was W's 7th birthday on Monday too, so it was a shame that the weather wasn't better. He enjoyed it anyway though, as we had some friends over and had a little tea party.
Happy 7th Birthday to my big boy! |
I usually like the changing of the seasons, and look forward to Autumn - darker nights, lighting the fire, casseroles and soups, picking blackberries, crumbles, chutney & jelly making, and the return to routine that school brings. But this year Autumn seems to have landed rather suddenly, although the weather forecast I have just watched promises some warmer weather next week... I shouldn't complain too much though, as we have had another lovely summer this year really. I guess I feel like summer passed me by a little in my sleep-deprived fog!
I'm looking forward to getting back to normality (or developing a new normality with a baby in the house) once the boys are back in school. Little G will be starting in reception class in September (although only a few mornings and afternoons initially to settle in). Thankfully I have managed to find a cleaner to help me out - a friend recommended her to me and so far she has been fantastic. She practically spring cleans the house every week - it's never been so clean! And she does all the ironing too! We've also got the gardener mowing the lawns while Mr W is recovering, so the house and garden have never looked so good!
Here are a few pics of my summer:
Sprinkler fun in the garden |
A day trip to Hunstanton |
One of our favourite places - Lyveden New Bield |
Little G having a go at archery at Mary Arden's Farm, Stratford Upon Avon |
The man-made beach at Rutland Water |
Blackberries picked from our garden |
Beautiful Pembrokeshire |
Fun on the beach with cousins |
Finally getting a bit of crochet time - i have been having severe withdrawal symptoms since E arrived! |
Ooey gooey chocolate fudge cake |
Beach selfie with my little darling! |